Fan Cheng The modular robot roombot comes out and can be turned into a table, chair and bed
Over the past decade, roombots of EPFL has been doing modular research and development to make it the only furniture you need. These...
2020-04-21 Деталь
Fan Cheng New sensors for underwater vehicles can benefit scientific research and industrial man
The oil and gas industry regularly uses underwater robots to inspect and maintain offshore structures. A study led by Australian res...
Fan Cheng A group of employees have liberated chickens, and another group of robots have come to
Two poultry house robots have been launched abroad. They aim to provide new methods to improve poultry and animal welfare, improve p...
How many workers can one palletizing robot replace
Palletizing robot, market advantage, dry goods sharing,
2020-04-10 Деталь
Detailed explanation of the gripper principle of palletizing robot
Palletizing robot, robot, dry goods sharing,
Some tips for buying second-hand robots
Used robots, used industrial robots, industrial robots,
2020-04-09 Деталь
What should we pay attention to when buying second-hand robots?
Used robots, lists, industrial robots,
ABB spider mobile phone human function
ABB spider hand, detailed explanation of ABB spider hand, dry goods sharing,
2020-04-08 Деталь
Working principle of six axis welding robot
Six axis welding robot, six axis welding control card, dry goods sharing,
2020-04-07 Деталь
Establishment of six axis welding robot production team
Six axis welding robot, six axis robot,
2020-01-11 Деталь
It has always been difficult for second-hand welding robots to enter the furniture ind
Second hand welding robot, second-hand robot, Yaskawa welding robot,
Autonomous mobile assembly robot played football and won the championship
Autonomous mobile assembly robot, autonomous mobile robot, mobile robot,
2020-01-07 Деталь